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    Detecting Intellectual Property Leaks Isn't Good Enough

    Intellectual property leakage is a critical concern for enterprises. Intellectual property is the lifeblood of many enterprises. It's what helps them deliver for your customers, makes them different and special, and keeps them ahead of the competition.

    And, since IP assets of all kinds – like chip designs, software source code, autonomous driving models, pharmaceutical research, and even film content – are digital, they're easily leaked.

    It's no wonder cybercriminals put so much emphasis on such cyber espionage.

    Many companies rely on Data Leak Prevention (DLP) tools to prevent intellectual property leakage, but too often, they focus on detecting corporate IP as it passes through the enterprise gates. It can be challenging to identify a leak at the edge of the IP, especially when leakage may look like a legal access.

    It can be even more difficult to detect a leak at the enterprise boundary. Even if a leak is detected, Infosec teams must race against time to identify the path, plug the leak and hunt for more threats lurking in the network. But the IP?  It's long gone.


    Containing IP With Network Tools is Difficult

    IP has to be accessible to be useful. The challenge is how to ensure that only authorized individuals can access it, and that their access doesn't put the IP at risk.

    It's difficult to achieve this with legacy network security like firewalls, that can't associate network traffic with user identity.  Furthermore, traditional network security can't control the access method to prevent allowed network ports from becoming avenues for data leaks. It also can't see IP that's transported across the network boundary, hidden in other data flows.



    CoIP Platform Zero Trust Security Blocks IP Leaks

    CoIP Platform with Zero Trust Security is game-changing for intellectual property leakage prevention. Authenticating and authorizing each network transaction against user identity ensures that users can only access the resources they are authorized to.

    Endpoint-level controls also ensure that only approved applications and tools on specific compute servers may be used to access, process, and transfer IP.  Such controls are policy-based, and provide much higher detection and prevention for IP leaks at the compute workload level.

    With CoIP Platform, it's easy to

    • Restrict access to stored IP to prevent internal leaks
    • Create virtual zones for safe handling and computing use of IP
    • Provide secure and granular user access to IP for employees, contractors, and 3rd parties

    Read the IP Protection Solution Brief >

    IP Protection concept


    Application Chambers Contain IP and Stop Data Leaks

    Application Chambers instantly and virtually segment servers or VMs that access, handle, or consume critical IP, providing total visibility and access control to the IP.  All transfers of data into and out of the Chamber are restricted to approved, safe access methods.

    Chambered machines are cloaked from the network, rendering them invisible to insider threats and ransomware.

    At the same time, Application Chambers block unapproved accesses to local or remote machines, blocking exfiltration and command-and-control activity.

    CoIP Platform's Zero Trust Application Access provides direct access for authenticated users, with application-level controls that allows administrators to restrict access to remote desktops or specific, allowed client software. This gives administrators control of risky application behavior, such as file transfers and copy/paste.

    With Application Chambers and ZTNA to control and lock compute resources around critical IP, CoIP Platform allows enterprises to implement a Zero Trust Security infrastructure that protects the critical IP wherever it is hosted.


    Benefits of Critical IP Protection with CoIP Platform

    Real Theft Prevention
    Unlike other DLP solutions which only detect theft, IP loss and theft is blocked with Zero Trust, file transfer, and copy/paste controls
    Complete Access Visibility
    Provides complete, auditable logs of all user access and attempted violations
    Seamless User Experience
    Complete, end-to-end flow for user and access authentication and authorization
    Defends Insider Threats
    Cloaks critical IP to prevent lateral access from insiders, and controls outbound access to prevent exfiltration
    Secure IP Access for 3rd Parties
    Granular controls enable access to be granted to specific projects or servers for safe 3rd party access

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