The following open source software packages are used in Zentera products. For more information, please contact Zentera Support.
- Apache Santuario 2.1.5 [Apache 2.0]
- aws-java-sdk 1.12.16 [Apache 2.0]
- bgiframe 2.1.2 [MIT]
- Bouncy Castle 1.57 [MIT]
- Chart.js 2.8.0 [MIT]
- Chromium Embedded Framework 77.1.18 [New BSD License]
- Closure Compiler v20190415 [Apache 2.0]
- Commons Collections 3.2.1 [Apache 2.0]
- Commons Compress 1.8.1 [Apache 2.0]
- Commons Email 1.3.2 [Apache 2.0]
- Commons FileUpload 1.3.3 [Apache 2.0]
- curl 7.31.0 [MIT/X derivative]
- DataTables 1.10.22 [BSD]
- dataTables.rowsGroup.js 2.0.0 [MIT]
- Dual Listbox 1.3 [MIT]
- Ed25519 0.1.0 [CC0 1.0]
- ExplorerCanvas NA [Apache 2.0]
- Flot 0.7 & 0.8.3 [MIT]
- gdb 7.5 [GPL]
- GeoIP2 Java API 2.14.0 [Apache 2.0]
- Granule 1.0.9 [Apache 2.0]
- Gson 2.8.5n [Apache 2.0]
- iperf3 3.1.2 [BSD New]
- java-ipv6 0.8 [Apache 2.0]
- JavaMail API 1.4.7 [CDDL 1.1 and GPLv2]
- jCarousel 0.3.1 [MIT]
- jclouds 2.3.0 [Apache 2.0]
- jQuery 1.8.2 [MIT]
- jQuery Bootstrap News Box 1.0.1 [MIT]
- jQuery File Download 1.4.2 [MIT]
- jQuery Form Plugin 3.48.0 [MIT]
- jQuery hashchange event 1.3 [MIT]
- jQuery Timepicker Addon 1.2.8 [MIT]
- jQuery UA Plugin 0.9.7 [MIT]
- jQuery UI 1.8.24 [MIT]
- jQuery Validation Plugin 1.10.0 [MIT]
- JRE 1.8.0_144 [OBCL]
- jsoup 1.8.3 [MIT]
- JustGage 1.1.0 [MIT]
- Keepalived 1.2.13/1.2.13-7 [GPLv2]
- klish 1.6.4 [BSD New]
- Logback 1.2.10 [EPL v1.0 and LGPL 2.1]
- MaxMind DB Reader for Java 1.4 [Apache 2.0]
- Moment.js 2.29.1 [MIT]
- MySQL 8.0.21 [GPLv2]
- Netty 3.5.8 [Apache 2.0]
- OneLogin's SAML Java Toolkit 2.5 [MIT]
- OpenSSL 1.1.1l [Apache-style]
- PluginDetect 0.8.5 [MIT]
- qTip 1.0.0-rc3 [MIT]
- Quartz 2.2.3 [Apache 2.0]
- Raphaël 2.1.0 [MIT]
- Rhino 1.7R5 [MPL 2.0]
- rsync 3.0.9 [GPLv3]
- snmp4j 2.2.3 [Apache 2.0]
- Spectrum Colorpicker 1.7.0 [MIT]
- sshj 0.18.0 [Apache 2.0]
- Struts 2.5.26 [Apache 2.0]
- TigerVNC 1.2.0/1.9.0 [GPLv2]
- TimeTo 1.0.13 [MIT]
- Tomcat 9.0.27 [Apache 2.0]
- UI Layout 1.3.0 [MIT]
- Velocity 1.7 [Apache 2.0]
- Zip4j 2.6.4 [Apache 2.0]
- Auth0 Java 1.33.0 [MIT]
- custom-protocol-check.js 1.2.0 [MIT]
- jQuery-Multi-Selection v1 [MIT]
- jQuery Searchable DropDown 1.0.8 [MIT]
- jsoup 1.14.3 [MIT]
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