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    The Leader in Secure and Agile Connectivity Solutions for the Digitally Transformed Enterprise

    Our CoIP® Platform provides award-winning Zero Trust networking, security, and multi-cloud connectivity that overlays on top of any infrastructure in any fragmented environment, allowing customers to be up and running in less than a day. The CoIP Platform has been deployed by global enterprises to secure employee and third-party network access for compliance, protect sensitive data against leaks, and instantly connect hybrid applications and containers running in the cloud and on premises. The Silicon Valley-based company has received numerous recognitions, including Cool Vendor for Cloud Security by Gartner.

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    Company Background and History

    Zentera Systems was founded by Jaushin Lee, President and CEO, in 2012. Realizing that networking and security would converge in the cloud, he architected the company’s revolutionary CoIP Platform.

    Zentera was inspired by Jaushin’s experiences at Silicon Graphics in the late 1990s. His team was trying to create cloud-like functionality between two Silicon Valley technology giants, well before the cloud became commercially available. The effort lasted several months and ran up against security and compliance considerations. Jaushin realized then that new technologies and solutions would be needed to make the cloud acceptable for companies requiring enterprise security in production use. 

    Meet the Zentera Executive Team

    Dr. Jaushin Lee

    President and CEO

    Mike Ichiriu

    VP of Marketing and Product

    Marty Fabry

    VP Field Services and Operations

    Tom Chin

    Vice President of Sales

    Andy Prenot

    Area Vice President of Sales

    Nathanael Iversen

    Chief Evangelist


    Contact Us


    Contact Sales

    Zentera Systems, Inc.
    1525 McCarthy Blvd., Suite 222
    Milpitas, CA 95035 USA

    tel: +1 (408) 436-4811

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